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The Cubic Trigonometric Automatic Interpola

来源:自动化技术与应用 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-10-05 07:56
摘要:IN geometric modeling,curves are usually constructed on the basis of ,trigonometric polynomials have received much attention within geometric examples are the trigonometric polynomial B′ezier curves[1]-[4],the trigonometric polynomial B-s

IN geometric modeling,curves are usually constructed on the basis of ,trigonometric polynomials have received much attention within geometric examples are the trigonometric polynomial B′ezier curves[1]-[4],the trigonometric polynomial B-spline curves[5]-[8],and the trigonometric Hermite spline curves[9],[10].Those trigonometric polynomial curves not only inherit similarities of the corresponding classical polynomial curves,but also have better performance ability in different aspects.

It is well known that the spline interpolation has a wide range of applications in geometric ,when the traditional cubic splines are used to construct C2interpolation curves,a linear equation system usually needs to be order to solve this problem,Su and Tan[11]and Yan and Liang[12]constructed two automatic interpolation splines on the basis of trigonometric main characteristic of these two splines is that they can automatically interpolate the given data points without solving equation are some deficiencies in these two splines,however,the shape of the spline presented in[11]cannot be adjusted when the data points and auxiliary points the spline presented in[12]can achieve shape adjustment when the data points and auxiliary points are fixed,it can only become G2interpolation main purpose of this paper is to present a class of cubic trigonometric automatic interpolation spline curves with two proposed spline curves can achieve shape adjustment by altering values of the two ,the proposed spline curves can automatically interpolate the given data points and be C2without solving equations system even if the interpolation conditions are ,the optimal automatic interpolation spline curves can be obtained by selecting proper values of the two parameters.

The rest of this paper is organized as Section II,the cubic trigonometric automatic interpolation spline curves with two parameters are constructed,and properties of interpolation spline curves are Section III,a method for determining the optimal automatic interpolation spline curves is presented,and some examples are given.A short conclusion is given in Section IV.


A.The Basis Functions

Firstly,the cubic trigonometric spline basis functions with two parameters are defined as follows.

Definition 1:For 0≤ t≤ 1,α,β ∈R,the following four functions about t are defined as cubic trigonometric spline basis functions,


By simple deduction,the cubic trigonometric spline basis functions defined as(1)have the following properties at the endpoints,

From(1),the cubic trigonometric spline basis functions have two free parameters α and β.Hence,various shapes of curves of the cubic trigonometric spline basis functions can be obtained by altering values of the parameters α and β.Fig.1 shows curves of the cubic trigonometric spline basis functions for different values of α and β,where α and β are taken as(α,β)=(-0.5,0.5)(marked with dotted lines),(α,β)=(0,0)(marked with solid lines),(α,β)=(0.5,-0.5)(marked with dashed lines).

of the proposed basis functions for different α and β.

and Properties of the CTAI-spline Curves

Depending on the cubic trigonometric spline basis functions,the cubic trigonometric automatic interpolation spline curves with two parameters can be defined as follows.

Definition 2:Given a series of data points(xi,yi)(i=0,1,...,n),set hi= xi+1-xi(i= 0,1,...,n-1),the following piecewise curves are called cubic trigonometric automatic interpolation spline curves(CTAI-spline curves for short),

where x∈[xi,xi+1](i=1,2,...,n-2),0,1,2,3)are the cubic trigonometric spline basis functions defined according to(1).

Theorem 1:The CTAI-spline curves defined as(5)have the following properties,

a)Automatic interpolation property:For given data points(xi,yi)(i=0,1,...,n),the CTAI-spline curves Si(x)(i=1,2,...,n-2)automatically interpolate all the given data points except(x0,y0)and(xn,yn),i.e.,

b)C2continuity:When hi(i=0,1,...,n-1)are equal to a constant h,the CTAI-spline curves Si(x)(i=1,2,...,n-2)are C2,i.e.,

Proof:a)By(2)and(5),we have

Equation(6)shows that the CTAI-spline curves Si(x)(i=1,2,...,n-2)automatically interpolate all the given data points except(x0,y0)and(xn,yn).

b)When hi(i=0,1,...,n-1)are equal to a constant h,by(3)and(5),we have

By(4)and(5),we have

From(6)-(8),we have

Equation(9)shows that the CTAI-spline curves Si(x)(i=1,2,...,n-2)are C2.

From Theorem 1,if two auxiliary points(x-1,y-1)and(xn+1,yn+1)are added to the given data points,the CTAI-spline curves Si(x)(i=0,1,...,n-1)interpolating all the data points(xi,yi)(i=0,1,...,n)would be naturally two auxiliary points can be added arbitrarily,and they only have effects on the starting and the end segments of the interpolation convenience,(x-1,y-1)and(xn+1,yn+1)can be taken as

文章来源:《自动化技术与应用》 网址: http://www.zdhjsyyy.cn/qikandaodu/2020/1005/475.html


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